
The Healing Waters

Thursday July 22, 2010 at 1:11pm

I open this with deep and sincere gratitude to Bobby, Kerrie and Noah, whose influence and example was the beginning of the most amazing journey: a healthy relationship with my body.
I went to Brooksville, FL with Noah to meet his parents for the first time. His parents house and property sounded like an idyllic paradise. "The Homestead", he described it. He spoke to me of 'ponds and turkeys, herb gardens and tinctures created by Kerrie, a healing chalet that him and his father built together, a pottery studio and raw food delights'. Really? These people exist? You bet. His father, Bobby and step mother, Kerrie are a super-incredible-powerful healing team. They use innate intelligence and advanced Applied Kinesiology to communicate with the body. I was nervous and excited to meet them, as I was in the process of quitting smoking, quitting fast food, and ceasing all occasional recreational drug use. I was in my last term of massage school (where Noah and I met four years ago) so I was coming into a healthier state of being. I was ready for more. Noah educated me and informed daily of so much knowledge on the body and human health. This was the quality that drew me towards his light. I was thirsty for knowledge, and Noah held the golden goblet of the hydrating healing waters. I gulped it down; the healing waters AND my nervous throat lump as I prayed they didn't think I was totally f****d up!) We arrived, and my believing eyes affirmed the beauty and utopia in the stories. These people were amazing, the real deal. Walking the walk. They had their own catfish pond, ate eggs from their own turkeys, grew most of their own food, had a healing treatment room and so so so much more. There were glass gallon jugs holding water, and on the outside of the jugs positive affirmations were written. I felt chills when I saw that. It impacted me. Everything in their home has a purpose, and that purpose is based on health and healing. After some brief introductions, hugs, and enough small talk for me to feel pseudo-comfortable, I received what will always be referred to in my world as 'The Rundown'. They asked me a whooooole lot of questions about my body and it felt good to answer them honestly. It felt cleansing in itself to admit what I had been doing to myself. Abuse, really. I was eating dead food, drinking sugary poisons and inhaling chemicals that are fatal through smoking. They were very objective and clear on explaining to me what was really going on with my body. They explained to me SIMPLE things like digestion, hydration, food choice, toxicity, an alkaline versus an acidic body, effects of prescriptions on my body and the power of my emotions on my body. I use the word simple because as they told me these things I felt like I was remembering the Truth that I knew deep down but had never practiced. Once hearing it broken down like this, it sounded so simple. My body knew it was true, but my mind never made the connection. They facilitated my ability to stay connected to my body, and provided with the information sources and tools to do it on my own. "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime." To not leave my body to mindlessly eat, smoke, or drink poisons because I am uneducated or bored, became my passion. Ignorance and boredom are for lazy sloths. I was through with being consumed by this darkness. Bobby and Kerrie put me on a table and put all kinds of substances in my mouth to test me for food allergies. Wheat, yeast and dairy all weakened my immune system. They muscle tested me and discovered which muscles were weak, explained to me what nutritional deficiencies cause this, where I was missing this nutrition in in my diet, gave me some of the missing nutrient, and rubbed certain points on my body. They retested the weak muscles after running this protocol, and the weak muscles tested strong. I think I cried at some point because I had so many problems and questions before meeting them, and they just swept right in and showed me the light of truly living. I finally knew the Truth. To make a long story short (the long version will certainly be in my memoir), my life was changed that day for the better forever. I am operating at optimal health today because I follow the example that these people set for me. They ran dozens of muscle tests on my body that day, but the one that sticks with me the most is the test for dehydration. That is the first thing they test for, as most health problems stem from this and this alone! Most people are always dehydrated. This is so underestimated. I saw how important water was to them, and listened intently as they explained its vital role in bodily functions. Bobby and Kerrie had a reverse osmosis filter that filtered the whole house. The tap water was filtered through the main tank and then filtered again through the tap. Then they bottled it and treated it with Mega H. Mega H perfectly balances the water as close as possible to pristine, clean, fresh from-the-untainted-water. They gave me some water with Celtic sea salt mixed in to rehydrate me. The headache I had been fighting for three days was gone within five minutes of chugging the only-slightly-salty mixture. They explained to me proper sodium balance in the body, proper ratios of salt to water, and the importance of trace mineral balance. They explained to me what was really in tap water: aluminum, fluoride and other metals, traces of birth control, feces, pesticides and prescription drug residue because so many people ingest and pass them through the urine. They stored the water in glass as opposed to plastic because water leeches toxins from plastic (especially when heated.) Some of the glass gallons had magnets on each side, creating even more balanced and healing the water. They had words of love and encouragement placed all over the jugs. They showed me books on the healing powers of water and how water is affected by the words we say, written by the enlightened Doctor Emoto. I was entranced. I heeded the words they spoke and read the information they shared. This was four years ago, and here I am today still sharing and writing about it, following the example.
I bathed that day in healing waters. Metaphorically and literally. As an observant citizen of society I caution my fellow human citizens to be choosy and careful of the water in which you nourish your thirsts. Again, a metaphorical and literal piece of advice. I have consumed sweet healing water and also ingested toxic, poisonous, and scalding water in my day. Metaphorically, we are all thirsty for truth, spiritual knowledge, information and answers. There are many clever cats, and rats, who will offer your their goblets to quench your thirst. If you keep finding you are still thirsty or even sick, still going back to the same goblet, perhaps you should learn to fetch your own water. I have learned to drink only from the Source of the water itself, and avoid the middle man and any added ingredients that may have been tossed in along the way. Sip and sample the water of another, be inspired, drink your fill, but ultimately, it is your search. Tap into your own well. Be responsible and use discernment before taking too big of a swallow, or leaping into churning sea. What are you diving for? What are you thirsty for? Be clear on these inner intentions and you will become well hydrated with the waters of Truth and Love. Remain unclear on your intention, dive in blindly, and you may find the water is rancid, tainted, or too rough.
Physically one should know what they are putting into one's body. Our body is four-fifths water. That is almost our entire make up. We are water and dust. One must take in the right amount of water to stay healthy and hydrated. "Too little ain't good. Too much ain't either." Balance. If one is retaining water, it means they are not taking in enough. This may seem counter intuitive, but if the body becomes afraid it will not receive enough of something it holds on to it for dear life. Literally.
Hydrating our bodies with healthy water makes the difference between life and death. One of the most important functions of water is to flush toxins from the body. If we deny our bodies ease of this vital function, we are dead. I choose to show myself love through proper hydration. I spend the time to refill my three-gallon jugs with filtered water from the health food store. I'll buy the bottle of water (in glass when it's available) and refill it when it's empty with good water. I have been drinking pure water (Reverse Osmosis or Distilled works for me) for four years now, so when I taste tap water I can taste the heavy metals and impurities so strongly. I can smell them in the water without even having to taste it. When I first moved to Florida I drank a glass of tap water and ended up with horrible stomach pains and diarrhea. That was enough of an experience to show me! I rarely make exceptions to this commitment to myself. I love my body and show it by drinking the right amount of pure, blessed water.
Did you know that (when viewed under a microscope) a water molecule that has been blessed (ie. Holy Water) looks like a perfect snowflake? Symmetrical and flawless. Water that has been told it was 'ugly' and 'hated' looked like a yellow, disgusting blob. If our bodies are four-fifths water then what we say to our bodies REALLY matters! I look at myself everyday in the mirror and tell myself 'I love you!' I smile and I mean it. When I drink water I do it with love and rub my tummy. I know it may sound weird, but I am more vital and healthy at 25 then I was when I was 8 years old. I am the healthiest I have ever been. Hence, The Healthy Hooper creation. I am stoked to share this journey! If I can do it, anyone can. It began with something as simple as choosing good water over water that makes you sick. It begins with this. It began with someone having the courage to do it, someone else being inspired, and someone else reading about it and getting inspired and then inspiring someone else. Hell yeah! :) We are in this together.
The Healing Water is that which we drink in and accept it as good, true, pure and on purpose. I think dolphins are the most intelligent, highly evolved species on this planet, and they live in water. I dream of being a mermaid. I WAS a mermaid between the ages of 6-11. I still am, secretly. I love the water. I am pretty sure that a HUGE part of my deepest healing work has taken place under the full moon's light while immersed in the sea water of the Gulf. I have felt more comfort shedding my salty tears into her salty solution which holds me buoyant, with no effort, than in the arms of any human. Only ease. I have been healed by a good, hot shower. I have been healed looking over the glassy surface of a lake, watching the water ripple with tiny waves. I have been healed by consuming only water and no other liquids. I have healed my body with water, my mind with water, and my soul with The Waters. We need water to live. Water lives in us. There are so many metaphors one could derive from this concept.
Being introduced to the importance of this element changed me forever. I began this blog with an offering of gratitude to the ones who held my hand with my first step. I will conclude this blog with an offering of gratitude to the ones reading these words and will take it one step further. Thank you to each of you who step outside of the sandbox, and into the waves of uncertainty as you view the distant yet healing horizon. Thank you for being the one who doodles words of love and light onto your water bottles, or the one who christens your baby. Thank you for remember the parts of you (four-fifths!) that are water and watery in metaphorical nature. Thank you. Blessings as we dive deep into the infinite sea of you and me!

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