...and know that I am God. These are words from a classic text known as the Bible. Reformed southern baptist preacher's daughter, here! (Oh, you didn't know?;) Needless to say, I know a few Bible verses. I have dealt with my rebellion, and I am grateful for these words and phrases that were drilled into my head, as I have interpreted them in many ways to help me in many different situations over the years. The reason I begin THIS text with ancient text is simple. The lesson now was the lesson then. Finding a still point, a center, a place within you where the silence is so pristine that you hear the God/Christ within you speak. Be still, and know. Shhh...
This is the lesson that I am currently spiraling through. I was caught in a whirl wind of truth, travel, illusion, grandeur, unveiling, discovery, exploration, unlocking, unfolding, finding, hiding, dying, being reborn, across the county, out to Maui, live in Maui, realize Love, back from Maui, while totally dissolving and becoming! Gasp! It is hard to even say it all without losing breath. Hence the reason I am here, in this moment, centered and still in the humble home of my mother and father. I had to land, It was time to nest. I needed to process out all of the incredible fulfillment that I have so thirstily and hungrily taken in. I am full, and must empty the stories, experiences, universes and life times that I have experienced in the last year. My body needs to regenerate and revitalize. My mind needs to unwrap and unbend. My creative course needs some direction and my inner child needs nurturing! It was a tough call, and it took me a minute to even admit I needed downtime. It dawned on me (well, more like smacked me in the head) that I need some time to be still, heal, process and be undisturbed. So, I sit now with my Beloved supporting me, nestled into the cozy den of my parents in the Southeast; creating, concocting, and connecting to the Source that led me full Circle.
I am happy to say that this has been a creative surge for me, and I am channeling my re-emergence by presenting my first traveling workshop, 'Advanced Hoop Dance 111: The Next Level'. The first place I am facilitating this experience is Chattanooga, TN (Wednesday June 1st) just before the Qi Revolution (June 4th-7th). I am very grateful to the Tennessee Hoop and Flow Community for embracing me as a teacher! Folks are driving all the way from Nashville...I'm blushing :) The receptivity truly softens my heart, and helps me realize that this is my path, and sometimes it takes me cycling around the circle a few times before I 'get it'. So, finally, after three years of being a humble student of the circle, I present myself to you all as a teacher, mentor, flow facilitator and friend. I am available to you! I offer myself, fully. Please, let me know how I can help you, and we will work towards a common goal. Please share upcoming events with friends (www.thehealthyhooper.com)!
I am honored to be traveling with the Qi Revolution for the second year in a row. I am facilitating a hoop jam during the Qi Revolution on Monday June 3rd at 8:30 in the same room and location of the event. ANYONE IS WELCOME to attend this dance/flow/drum circle, regardless of if you are not attending the Chattanooga Qi Rev. BUT, we sure hope to see you there, at the Qi Revolution :) WWW.QIGONG.COM is the website to check for all upcoming tour dates in a city near you! It is only $99 for four days of super amazing Qi Gong Healing Forms, Food Based Healing and incredibly empowering Breath Empowerments. My hoop dance style is directly correlated with the techniques I am continuing to learn from teachers Jeff Primack, Kai Von-Bodhi, David Beaudry, Jami Deva, Sheila Janan, and Blair Souter. I love my entire Qi Tribe and the vision we all share!
I sure do miss Maui and the cushy little love bubble I effortlessly existed in there, and I am grateful to be able to bring all of this Aloha Mainland, while connecting in with the people whom I love most in the entire world! It feels so good to be resting, developing, revealing and unfolding in the magic of my home. As I have so much coming up this summer, it is important for me to cultivate my energy and resources, while reflecting and being grateful for all I have just experienced! Yes! Thanks for reading and allowing me to share. I hope to see you on some of the adventures of The Healthy Hooper... Until then, blessings and may you find yourself in your stillness <3